Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Belly Slippers

Sometimes an ensemble just cannot survive the day.
Having fun is a big job and, if you're doing it right, it can also be quite messy. Around here that's not a problem because there is always a trusty old tutu just waiting to save the day! Dirt on your tights? Throw on some leggings! Yogurt on your skirt? Not to worry; your sparkly friend is here... just a quick change and
TA DA!! 
 See, that wasn't so bad! You're all set to practice at the barre... have fun!

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  1. Oh, my, gosh, Denise. She is just so dang cute! And I love the "beellaayy" slippers.

  2. I LOVE How Maisie looks in these outfits! Especially the last photo. She's becoming quite the model!
